From a content marketing perspective, code is an underutilized asset that can significantly enhance your overall marketing strategy. In essence, it’s an extraordinary way to provide value to your readers, particularly if your target audience comprises developers or other technical professionals. Here’s how to make the most out of your code snippet.
The Power of JavaScript in Form Handling
When it comes to enhancing user engagement on websites, JavaScript holds a prominent position. In this article, we’ll dissect a specific JavaScript code that efficiently handles various form inputs.
The issue with the existing JavaScript code might arise from the way you’re targeting radio buttons within the form. In JavaScript and jQuery, radio buttons in different parts of a form should typically have different name attributes to be considered as different groups.
In the code, the function getRadioValues is designed to collect all radio button values that are checked:
function getRadioValues() {
let radios = [];
$('input[type="radio"]:checked').each(function() {
return radios.join(". ");
Here, it doesn’t differentiate between different sets of radio buttons that might have the same name attribute but are intended to be different groups. It will lump all selected radio buttons together, which might not be what you want if they’re in two different places on the form and serve different purposes.
Differentiate JavaScript by Name
You could differentiate radio groups by their name attribute and modify your function to consider this. For example:
function getRadioValues() {
let radios = {};
$('input[type="radio"]:checked').each(function() {
let name = $(this).attr("name");
radios[name] = $(this).val();
return radios;
In this case, radios would be an object where the keys are the name attributes of the radio groups and the values are the selected options.
Differentiate JavaScript by Parent Element
Another way would be to wrap your different sets of radio buttons in divs with unique IDs and adjust your jQuery selectors accordingly.
For example, if one set of radios is within a “<div id=”group1″>” and another is within “<div id=”group2″>”, you could modify “getRadioValues” to:
function getRadioValues() {
let radiosGroup1 = [];
$('#group1 input[type="radio"]:checked').each(function() {
let radiosGroup2 = [];
$('#group2 input[type="radio"]:checked').each(function() {
return { group1: radiosGroup1.join(". "), group2: radiosGroup2.join(". ") };
This would return an object that distinctly contains the selected radio button values from “group1” and “group2“.
Differentiating your radio groups by name or parent element should help your code better accommodate different sets of radio buttons in distinct form sections. This will allow for greater flexibility and specificity in how you handle user input, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.